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ThreeSixty Physiotherapy

ThreeSixty Physiotherapists do a thorough assessment to find out the cause of your problem. This is followed by treatments that involve manual therapy, evidence-based modalities, and therapeutic exercises customized to meet your goals. Therapeutic exercises are designed to improve strength, stabilization, range of motion, balance, and functional performance.

Conditions We Treat Conditions We Treat

Why ThreeSixty Physiotherapy?

ThreeSixty Physiotherapy’s mission is to bring the best experience to our patients through progressive individualized care based on research, mentorship amongst clinicians, and a welcoming culture.

What to Expect?

A comprehensive history of the problem will be first and foremost. After that, we will perform a physical assessment to help reach the root of the problem. Your initial assessment will usually end with homework to allow for continued improvement at home, and most importantly you will be educated as to what is going on and how we will help you improve longterm.

At ThreeSixty we pride ourselves on not rushing through the process. We provide assessments and follow up appointments that give the patient and clinician plenty of time to work through the rehabilitation together.

Our Physiotherapists